Tag Archive | Technical


Just got a gold medal in Microsoft Mahjong! Neat, right?

Original czech text:
“Právě se mi podařilo získat medaili Zlato v denních výzvách pro hru Microsoft Mahjong! Když získáte dost mincí, můžete medaili mít také!”

Golden medal earned in Microsoft Mahjong! Hee hee.

Original czech text:
“Medaile Zlato získána ve hře Microsoft Mahjong!”



I just wanted to say that I added something little to the sidebar. I stumbled upon this site, you can adopt “pets” there and some of them look really nice. I’ll be looking into others too, but for now, there is this pet. If, when it grows up, it will look weird and ugly, I’ll replace it with something else. But for now, this is the pet that you will be seing in the sidebar.


See ya.



I need to apologize for my long absence. Well, long. Its about ten days or so, isn’t it? Well, that doesn’t really matter, now does it. So, as for me not posting anything, I had a bit of a hectic time. First, I was visiting some relatives of mine, then, there was my grandmother’s funeral and after that, I had doctor’s appointments. They were taking blood samples and I’m the fainthing type. So…


And that would be my reason for not posting anything. I will remedy that. If not today, then tommorrow for sure. I won’t promise a post a day, but I’ll try to update at least somewhat reguralry. Really, I promise! Also, I have a site in czech and I’ve been wondering what to do with it. It’s not like I’m posting anything there… I haven’t been for a while… And I don’t like the limited space… So, I’ve been thinking of moving the site to a different hosting. Like blogspot. I don’t want to move it here on wordpress as it seems to be primarly english site, but the idea of blogspot, it seems nice. I’ll probably do it. xD

Oh well. That would be all for now. And once again, sorry for my absence.

See ya.


So sory I haven’t posted anything yesterday. I was just feeling too tired to do it. And to be honest, I had a great story and wanted to continue reading. So… That’s why. On the other hand, I am almost finished with reading the fifth book in the Legend of Drizzt series. And already started writing the post about it. So far, the summary is incomplete, but it is already more than a page in word. And yes, I’m actually writing it in word, even though I always preferred open office… Weird… I like the 2010 word. It’s black. xD And yes, that’s the only reason. xD


So anyway. I’m thinking about what I could post apart from that, since it’s not finished yet… Any ideas? I just don’t want to post a picture again… It’s getting old… I’d appreciate any tips, but if you don’t wanna give ’em, I’ll just have to think of something myself. xD So you don’t have to give me any tips. It’s up to you.

See ya.

We’re back on track


you may have noticed that yesterday, my page was down due to me linking to anilinkz.com which is not permited, at least not on wordpress. Yes, it’s a pain, but hey, better to remove it than to have my site deleted, right? However, in the meantime, I managed to repost everything from here to blogspot.com, so from now on, I’ll be blogging paralel on both sites.


I also asked wordpress if there was any list of sites that wordpress doesn’t allow links to. However, if any of you know about anything like that, please, tell me, I’m actually interested in it, because I’d like to link to sites, but right now, I’m a bit warry to do that.

See ya.


Hey, sorry that I won’t be posting anything today, but I’m practically dead on my feet. So with an apology, I promise that I will post something better tomorrow. And if possible, I’ll try to make it to be at least two different things. :) Thanks for understanding. :)

33828See ya.

Art tip

Hey, just wanted to say something. I’m by no means a professional artist, but I like to think I’m at least a bit above average. And I was just drawing in my sketchbook when I realized that it is good to draw with something permanent. Not a pencil. Unless you’re creating something like a masterpiece, or a pencil-only drawing.


If it is anything else, or if you’re just practising in your sketchbook, the permanent whatever is better. Why? Because, it forces you to finishe your drawing regardles of how awefull it looks. And that is the thing. Finish your drawing even if it looks horrible. It may still turn out okay. But you’ll never know, unless you finish it.

See ya.

A simple question

Hey, I just got an idea. Do you want me to post videos of me flipping through my sketchbook? It’s already uploaded on youtube. I’d just have to post it here. So if you’re interested, please let me know, and I’ll see what I can do. I just don’t wanna post it here if noone would look at it. That would be a collossal waste of time. Don’t you think?


See ya.


Hey, since my university classes started yesterday, I will have less time from now on. I will still try to post a post a day. But it probably won’t be more than that. Hey, but one is better than nothing. And I want to keep practising my englihs. Which thanks to this, I can. Because, as you probably allready understood, I’m not from an english speaking country. I’m from Czech republic. Which,, for those, who don’t know, is in the center of continental Europe.


Se ya.

Follow-up on my rant about Google chrome

So I’ve been using Torch the past few days and the only thing I found that doesn’t work in Windows 8 mode is DivX web player. Which is something I can live without as I’m only using the desktop DivX player to watch downloaded movies. So, if there are any of you that are experiencing problems with windows 8’s version of google chrome, try using Torch browser, which is essentially the same, only it can download torrents and has a few other nifty thingies. Thoough I’m not really using those. Only the torrent download, as that was the primary reason I even had Torch.


The only remaining question is: Should I uninstal Google Chrome completely or should I keep it as a back-up browser?

I’m thinking of removing it completely as I don’t really have a use for it anymore. But somehow, I don’t wanna… So if any of you want to give your oppinion on this, it would be great. :)

See ya.