Tag Archive | Review

Almost Human [2013-2014]

I had two reasons to start watching this show. One, it stars Karl Urban. Two, there are a lot of fanfictions and when I browse AO3 based on tags, I have to sift through a lot of them and since I wasn’t in the fandom yet, it was annoying. Now, I’m probably gonna start reading these. Especially if there’s slash. Hopefully, there will be the good pairings.

At the moment, I’ve been through a little more than 10 episodes. Very good! So good that I am actually really paying attention to it. Instead of my usual way of watching stuff that has English audio – basically just listening while doing something else on another tab. Or listening while playing Dungeon Hunter 4.

Well, something about the show, it takes place in the future, but not too distant. Cops are paired with androids. And since so far, all the cop androids are male, I’m gonna call them mandroid. Yes, it’s probably a horrible word to use, but hey, I’ve always wanted to use it in some context. So, the main character, played by Karl Urban, is, after some botched operation that left him with synthetic leg, paired with the usual droid model. The MX. But they are too emotionless, too robotic. And he kicks it out of his car while driving. Then he gets paired with the DRN model. At least I think that’s how you spell it. He calls this one Dorian. And then they go and solve a multitude of cases. All the while the MC – his name is John – is trying to find information on this syndicate that is somehow connected to his ex-girlfriend. The syndicate is responsible for John losing his leg and having to have a synthetic.

I couldn’t spoil the ending even if I wanted to, seeing as I haven’t finished watching it. But it’s really good so far and if you’re into futuristic cop dramas or like Karl Urban, I do recommend it. And even if you’re not, maybe you’ll like it if you give it a try.

But I’m not forcing anybody. So make your own mind.


Logan [2017]

There will be spoilers!

So, about a week back, I saw the movie Logan. Online of course. And I was disappointed. The girl playing Logan’s daughter was good. Really good. At least in my opinion. But the story itself, not so much. The integration of Professor X in it didn’t make much sense. I did know a bit of the backstory about Laura, weapon X and all that rot. But not really from comic books, I don’t read those. But there is the X-men Evolution and then wikis and also, if something appears in more than three fanfics, I start looking at it as possible canonical information.

Also, I have absolutely no idea as to where this movie fits with all the other live action ones. I mean, I have a bit of an idea where it fits in comics and other source material, but hey, the movies are somewhat crazy in this.

Oh well, the movie was chaotic and didn’t live up to my expectations. If you’re a die hard marvel fan, sure, go ahead and try it, it might be necessary for some weird continuity in regards to future movies, but other than that, real disappointment.

The “avengers” side of the marvel verse is done much better. Can’t wait for Ragnarok and Infinity wars.


Several years ago I bought a game called Elder Scroll Series IV – Oblivion. You’re probably wondering what that has to do with Skyrim. Well, everything. As it was shortly after that that I got me Skyrim. Simply because I really enjoyed Oblivion and Skyrim was a sort of sequel to it. To be honest, when I first installed Skyrim, I decided that I absolutely hate it. And so it was left in a drawer for years. Then, I gave the original copy to my cousin’s son for when he got a good enough pc to play it on. But then I got into nightcore, which has, at first glance, even less to do with Skyrim than Oblivion. But, there was this nightcored song… The Dragonborn Comes. And I figured that it was from Skyrim. Which got me thinking…. That maybe it was time to give Skyrim another go. So I installed it through steam and started playing.

At first, I got frustrated because it didn’t support my gamepad. But then I decided that screw it, if I could successfully play Oblivion with mouse and keyboard as well as most of Assassin’s Creed games, then I will be just fine playing Skyrim with mouse and keyboard. Though the first thing I did was to play with the keyboard mapping. Made it a bit closer to Oblivion – aka jump with E and action with spacebar. Admittedly, it is still slightly confusing, as the game shows me the original key mapping when it gives hints, but hey, I can manage! I did with Resident Evil 4 and there the key mapping is really ridiculous…

So far, I’m not that far into the game, only just past High Hrotgar, but I’m enjoying it immensely. Though, there is one thing I really don’t like! And that is that you can’t equip spell alongside your bow! At least, I haven’t figured that out yet! In Oblivion, you could equip whatever weapon you wanted to and still cast! That is something I miss here in Skyrim. But I guess we can’t have it all…

Also, someone tell me how to disable the cinematic finishing blows in fight… Those are really annoying and interrupt the gameplay as well as disorient you as to where the next enemy is coming from…

Oh, and the NPC names are crazy! I know it is trying to imitate the nordic tribes and so on and so forth, but come on! I’ve met a lot of characters a lot of times by now and the only names I remember are Ilireth (or something like that) and Alvar. At least Oblivion had normal names… Or maybe it is because I’ve simply been playing Oblivion longer. That’s probably it.

A question for those who also play Skyrim. Do you play with subs on? I mean, I can understand the characters just fine, but usually, I finish reading what they have to say before they finish saying it. Do any of you have the same problem? And is it even a problem? Well, it is in the situation where you can not just skip the speech.

Anyway! I enjoy Skyrim and I hope that by the time I finish the quests I will be able to remember at least some of the names.

And my favorite NPC’s are from Oblivion. Too bad two out of three bit the dust…

Before I finish this post, one more thing. DLC for Skyrim. Is it worth it? I would like this answered by someone who actually played the DLC. Not by someone who just read about it or something. Thanks!


Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Well, I got my hands on the book just a short few days ago. I started reading it and managed to get through two or three acts before just stopping. To be honest, I just couldn’t bring myself to continue reading. Normally, I always get into the books (HP books) within the first one or two pages, but this time, I was just bored. It just didn’t feel like Harry Potter anymore. And it had nothing to do with the play script format it is written in. I guess it’s just the fact that I never acknowledged the epilogue.

I consider Ginny to be a whore and I don’t like her. I can’t say I like Harry himself that much either, at least in canon. I rather like him in all those fanfics I’ve read. But that is mainly because those fics have slash pairings.

I don’t hate the books because they have heterosexual pairings, I don’t hate the books at all, well, no, I don’t hate them, but I don’t really like book number 6. My favorite has always been book three and now we’re getting off topic.

So, back to the Cursed child. I’d rather not spoil much of the book, but there are two points that just make me hate the book even more and make me glad that I did not finish reading it. How do I know these two things? Well, for those of you who don’t feel like reading the book, there is a condensed version on wikipedia. Well, I say condensed version, but it’s really just a lengthy summary. But it has all the main points and after reading that I really don’t have any need to read the actual book.

Spoiler alert now. I mean it, I will be now mentioning things that happen in the book.

The first thing about the book that really didn’t sit well with me is the fact that Voldemort had a daughter. With Bellatrix. Come on! Can it get any crazier than that? Add in the fact that I just can’t imagine Voldemort having sex with a woman? And Dark lord or no dark lord, do you really think Rodolphus would have had given Bella such a long leash? I don’t.

Another point is time travel. During most of the book, the new generation, mainly Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy travel back and forth in time to change things only to have it backfire on them over and over again. The whole thing about the ministry of magic squirreling away a time turner and having it hidden somewhere all this time is one thing. But the fact that the Malfoys had another one is really bogus. I don’t buy it. It’s the Malfoys we’re talking about. Do you really thing they wouldn’t use it for their gain? And if they had it all this time, I just can’t imagine Voldemort not finding about it…

Don’t get me wrong, I like stories that have multiple timelines and interlock past present and future, but they have to be done right! One fine example would be Circle of Magic: Danger in the Palace from Debra Doyle and James D. Macdonald. Another fine example would be in movies. Look at X-men: Days of future past or the Alice through the looking glass movie. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’s time travel pales when compared with the before mentioned examples. Yes, the book I mentioned might not be really well known, but the time travel is done RIGHT in there!

Damn it! I’ve seen fanfictions written better than the Cursed Child book! It might be because Rowling co-wrote it with two more people or simply because she lost her edge, but I would definitely not recommend reading this eighth book. But if you absolutely have to know what happens in it, I suggest the summary on wiki. It tells you everything you need to know and saves you time and money.

There. Now you can bite my head of. But even if you do, it won’t change my opinion on the matter, which to sum it up in just a few words is this: Ginny is a whore and Voldemort should have won.



Pixels [2015]

“When aliens misinterpret video feeds of classic arcade games as a declaration of war, they attack the Earth in the form of the video games.” [1]

At first I didn’t want to watch this movie, because I’m not really a fan of comedies, but this was also sci-fi and contained arcade games. And I thought that I might like it, considering I loved Wreck-It-Ralph.

And I was right. Yes, there were some stupid moments, but all in all, I enjoyed the movie immensly. The basic plot is that the 1982 arcade game championship is filmed and then the footage is send to the space where it is found by aliens that consider it a declaration of war.

They come to attack earth some 20 or so years later. I’m not entirely sure what ‘present’ year it takes place in, but I’m guesssing that around 20-30 years passed from the championship.

A group of people, that are good at arcade games, or were, band together under the president, who used to be an arcade gamer too, though not that good, and they fight the aliens who re-create the arcade games in real life.

The movie is full of fun as well as intense moments and while I’m not a big fan of comedies, I am all for some fun and I think that this ‘comedy’ didn’t overdo it with the fun and that’s good.

The main characters are played by Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Michelle Monaghan, Peter Dinklage and Josh Gad.

The guy who played Boromir, Sean Bean, also makes an appearance. Not a big one, but one non the less and that was actually the main reason I watched the movie. Though in the end I enjoyed it regardless of Sean Bean.

The one actor that I didn’t like was Peter Dinklage, but not because of his acting skills, I think he’s a good actor, but I just don’t like the characters he playes. First it’s Trask in X-men, now this little cheating twit. Sure, his acting is good, but the characters he playes make me not like him.

I would definitely recommend the movie, but I would also say that it is not a movie for everyone. If you like crack-ish sci-fy, you will definitely like this. If you don’t, you might still like it, but it is not guaranteed.

The one thing I do when picking what movie to watch, I go by the people who play in them. If a favourite actor plays in it, I usually watch it without checking either the summary or anything else.

Most of the times it works. Unless we go by My Bloody Valentine, where I started watching and then I got curiious and went and googled who the murderer was before the movie ended and got angry that it was the actor because of whom I was watching the movie, who was the bad guy that I turned the movie off without finishing it. From that moment on, I decided that I would never look things up before actually finishing whatever it is I’m watching.

Not that that did me any good considering I did the same bloody thing with Prison Break, only there, I went and googled who of my favourite characters will survive. Again, stopped watching because of the answer I got.

[1] IMDB.com – Pixels

Resident Evil 6

Resident Evil 6 is, so far, the newest Resident Evil game. A lot of charcters are back and some new ones come into play. The one main character return is Leon Kennedy who wasn’t part of the fifth gmae. Only mentioned there.

The sixth game is vastly different from RE4 and the ones before that. It is a lot like RE5 from what little I’ve played of that. The big difference is that RE 5 and 6 are controled not only by keyboard but also by mouse. Or you can just use the controler like I’m doing. For RE4 it is not necessary as it is playable with keyboard only, but RE 6 is best played with controler. Well, apart from certain parts that take too long to react to the controler.

But enough of my comparsions.

RE6 has four campaigns and three of them can be played with one out of two characters. First is Leon and Helena, second Chris Redfield and Pires Nivans, third Jake Muller and Sherry Birkin and the last one is a solo campaign where you play as Ada. She’s one of the few female characters that I actually like. All four of the campaigns take part during the same timeframe and the characters meet each other. Each of the campaigns meet at one point or another with all the others. And that is something that I really like about this game.

Of course, the fact that Ada has her own full length campaign, is a bonus, as well as Leon being back. Before fully trying RE6, I was always saying that RE4 was the best. But I take that back. RE6 is the best, so far.

Admitedly, I don’t relaly like Chris’s campaign, but that’s because Piers dies at the end. Or, well, it sure looks that way. Though fanfic authors decided that he lives and comes back. Bless them!

So far, I’m still deciding if my favourite is Leon’s or Ada’s campaign.

Leon’s campaign starts with the death of a president of USA and continues with a run through a city and trying to reach a chaple. There, they fight a boss with the help of some survivors that were there. Follows a trip to the underground to find Helena’s sister and another boss fight, thsi time, against said sister herself.

Then fleeing the crumbling dungeon and faking their deaths and going to China or wherever it is. It sounds chinese.

There, they meet Alpha team and then Sherry and Jake.

After that, they have to fight the final boss with the help of Ada. And then, the end.

Now, for the second campaign. Chris and Piers. They start on an earlier mission in Edonia. Fight some virus infected mutated things, two gigantic things, meet Sherry and Jake, then there is a time skip and we go to China. They fight their way through the infected city chasing Ada’s doppleganger and end up on a ship and then in an underground facility. But before that they meet with Leon and Helena while confronting said fake Ada.

In the underwater facility they meet Sherry and Jake and fight a gigantic thing called Haos. At the end, Piers is infected with enhanced C-virus and dies while protecting his captain. But like I said, I’m part of the group of people that believe that Piers is alive!

The third campaign starts in Edonia too. This is Jake and Sherry. Jake is immune to the C-virus and Sherry is tasked with protecting him. Well, it turns more like him protecting her, but I’ll let this slide.

They meet with Chris nad Piers and fight the two gigantic mutated things, then split up with them and go in a chopper. Well, throughout the whole campaign they are chased by this ‘thing’. It makes their chopper crash and they end up somwhere in a foggy place. And let’s just say that that is my least favourite part of their campaign. They end up in a cave and have to sneak past the ‘thing’ in order to escape. It can’t see them, but it has really good hearing and can her them if they mess up.

Not an easy part to play through.

After that, they are captured and have to escape an Umbrella facility in China. They meet up with Leon and Helena and have a quick go at the ‘thing’ before spliting up again.

They end up at the underwater facility where they meet Chris and Piers fot the second time and have to escape Haos, but at least they don’t have to fight it. On the other hand, they have to fight the ‘thing’ in a lava cave. My suggestion is to save your magnum shots for this fight. Or it will take ages.

The last campaign is Ada. She starts on a submarine and tehre learns of the C-virus and when she escapes, she makes her way to the chapple, well, the underground part of it. There, she meets Leon and Helena and helps with the fight agains Helena’s sister that mutated. Then, she goes on her own way and to China. Yes, everyone is going to China. There, she vitnesses Leon and Helena crashing a plane and has to fight a chainsaw boss. She saves Sherry from being shredded by a chopper rotor and continues on in pursuit of her own doppleganger. She end up fighting it (Carla) in it’s mutated state and manages to win. After that, she goes on to help Leon and Helena with their final boss – Simons.

The last thing Ada does is to wreck Carla’s lab in the Quad tower.

I think that Ada has the least of boss fights. But the encounter with Carla in her mutated form is probably the hardest. Well, hardest for Ada. Teh ahrdest alltogether is Haos! And I’m saing that mainly because Piers dies. I liked him! I didn’t want him to die!

Oh well.

I managed to win all four campaigns and to be honest, I’m never playing Chris’s again. I’m definitely replaying Ada and Leon. as for Jake, it is a maybe. I’ll probably replay it at some point, but Ada and Leon have the best campaigns. That’s for sure.

Again, there are some extras and there are a lot more things you can do with the game, but you have to have an official version, not just a download from somwhere like I do. But it’s not like I’m planning to play online with someone playing the other member of the pair.

There’s also something like Agent hunt, but again, requires to be able to play online, therefore official version. I’m not missing it though.

And now, that this post is completed, I’ll go and play some RE6.


Resident Evil 4

Hello everybody!

I’m back with another post. This time, I decided to tell you something about one of my favourite games. The game is called Resident Evil 4 and as the title suggests, it is fourth in the series. The most basic description would be a third person shooter, but it could also be called a zombie apocalypse sort of game.

The main idea is that the president’s daughter has been kidnapped and an agent is sent to rescue her. The agent’s name is Leon S. Kennedy. He is one of the few surviviors from Racoon city, which is what happens in one of the previous games.

In the game, you can pick a difficulty from easy, normal and hard. The hard is really hard and I think it should not be attempted unless you already have a good understanding of the game. Including what kind of monsters appear where and all the tricks to defeating them.

For a beginner, I definitely recommend to start on easy. The only bad thing is that you have to start from scratch when you want to change the difficulty.

I myself have been playing the game on and off for several years now. But only a few short months ago did I attempt anything else than the main story on easy.

Yes, there are extra stories to play through. The main one you play as Leon and have to fight your way through hordes of las plagas infected people, but for now, we will simply call them zombies, even though they are not your typical zombies. The game has five chapters seaprated each into four segments plus the grand finale where you defeat the main evil boss.

Apart from the main game there are two extras. One is called Separate ways and here you play as Ada Wong, who can be considered the main female character. In the main story, you can see her helping Leon on occasion and Separate ways is basically everything told from her point of view. All the ‘in-between’s that happen when she’s not meeting with Leon.

Playing as Ada has one big disadvantage. You weapons cannot be upgraded. But even so. Once you played it for the first time and managed to win, which is pretty damn hard! Well. No. It’s not. The boss fight is. Well, was, before I found out how to zoom the rifle. And after that, I’ve been maing a good use for it.

It’s all about configuring the keys to suit your fingers. For me, it meas similar config to Devil May Cry 4.

On the side, do any of you prefer games that can be controled with keyboard only as oposed to games that require both keyboard and mouse? I know I prefer those. But sadly, I don’t think it’s possible to comfortably control Assassin’s creed 2 without the use of either mouse or gamepad. Which I have, but have yet to figure the best config for it.

Okay, side note aside, there is one more story in the game. Again, you play as Ada and I don’t think that this one even has merchant. It’s pretty damn hard and while I managed to play through almost till the end, I didn’t have enough amunition to defeat Krauser at the end.

I was left with mostly grenades and frankly, I don’t think it’s possible to fight him with those only.

Of course, there are also mercenary mini games which I don’t really play. I mean, sometimes, in a fit of boredome, I try, but I always run out of amunition pretty fast. And then get cleaved by the chainsaw! Beware the chainsaw! It’s evil.

There’s a lot of stuff to unlock. Like costums for Leon and Ashley (the president’s daughter. Also, there’s weapons to unlock. My favourite is the infinite rocket launcher, because that means I can kill the bosses pretty easily. And I love that. Of course, I make it a habbit of not using it unless it is a boss. Othervise, I woiuld have the inventory overflowing with amunition.

So. That’s it. Hope I hooked you up. Tell me if you play the game. I’d like to hear what you think of it. Also, if you are considering getting it, tell me what your first impression is if you do end up playing it!

Heh. I remember that the first time I played it, i was so scared! Scared what was waiting behind the corner! And yet, I finished it and then played it again and couldn’t stop. I think that by now, I’m on my seventnh playthrough and with Ada on second. As well as trying to fight my way through normal difficulty. Thankfully, I don’t have to worry about Ashley. Considering that she’s wearing a suit of armor, which is one of the two unlockable costums.

Okay. That’s it.



Hello again, my dear readers.

I know I’ve been away for a while. Well, not really away, but not writing anything. It has a really easy explanation. I didn’t know what to write. Apart from some papers for school. But that was necessary and not fun at all!

But now I’m back with a post.

I don’t really know how far back it was that I saw the movie for the first time, but I don’t think it was more than a month. The movie I’m talking about, is Wreck-It-Ralph. It is an animated Disney movie that depicts what videogame characters do after the arcade is closed. The main focus is on the bad guy from the game Fix-It Felix jr. The character is named Ralph and is a professional wrecker.

And what he breaks, Felix fixes.

But the problem is, that Ralph is fed up with being the bad guy. He wants to be one of the good guys, or nicelanders, as they are called inside his game. So he barges in when the nicelanders and Felix are having an aniversary party. Of course, it doesn’t work the way he would have wanted, but the nicelanders told him that if he got a medal, he could live with them in the penthouse.

So Ralph sets out on an adventure to get him a medal. And after meeting a soldier from the Hero’s duty game, he decides that it would be easy to get the medal from that game.

But abandoning your own game means going turbo, like a character from a game from a long time ago, that decided to take over another game when it became more popular than his own. But this action put both the games out of order.

And therefore, while Ralph is getting his medal, his own game is put out of order. At least temporarly.

Ralph manages to get his medal, but then he crashes a shuttle craft in another game. This one called Suger Rush, which is a pink filled go cart game.

His medal ends up on one of the candy trees and while trying to get it, he meets a little girl. The girls is named Vanellope and she manages to get to the medal before him. And then she uses it to enter her name into a race because she wants to be a real racer. At first, Ralph is mad at her, but then they decide to team up to get her a real racing cart.

This friendship gets temporarly undone when king Candy, the ruler of Sugar Rush, gives Ralph the medal back for smashing Vanellope’s cart.

And in the meantime, the shuttle that Ralph crashed, contained a cybug, which is a kind of virus from Hero’s Duty, that know only eat, kill and multiply. The female captain from Hero’s Duty knows this and decides to follow it to SR to kill it before it can lay it’s eggs. She is acompanied by Felix himself who is trying to find Ralph in order to save their game.

Then, Felix falls for the captainess, gets thrown into a dungeon, Ralph gets him out, Felix fixes the go cart for Vanellope, the race happens, it is unveiled that king Candy is in fact Turbo and that the bug multiplied.

Suger Rush is almost destroyed, but Ralph manages to save the day by creating a make-shift beacon which is the only way to get rid of the bugs. Suger Rush is saved when Vanellope crosses the finish line and it is then revveiled that she is the rightful ruler of Suger Rush and that Turbo tried to delete her code and thus forcing her to be a glitch.

But in the end, all is well, Ralph is liked by the nicelanders, Felix marries the female captain and Vanellope recreates Suger Rush to be a constitutional democracy and becomes the president.

The movie is really good and I really love the animation. Also, it shows that nothing is black and white and that even good guys can be bad, like Turbo, who started as a good guy. And that a bad guy can actually save the day.

I know the movie is targeted to younger audience, but I really think that it’s not bad and worth giving it a try. But that’s just me because lately, I found myself watching a lot of different animated disney movies.

What do you think? Have you seen the movie? If yes, what do you think about it? If not, did I spoil it for you too much? Please, forgive me, if so.


Star Stable Online

Okay, first of all, the abreviation (SSO) is really similar to SAO and it is very confusing.

Now, what is Star Stable Online? Well, it’s just the best horse game available. Sure, it is not free (only up to level 5), but I think the money you pay is well worth it.

The game is a sort-of direct continuation of Starshine Legacy games. Those are kinda old and while not bad, story vise, the gameplay was not the best.

After that there were Starstable for PC and I played those too.

And then, several years after I stumbled on SSO. First, I didn’t play it because I was discouraged by the paying, but then I got curious and decided to install it and if I like it, I would pay for the full version. So, I did install it. I played for a little while and then I went to see how to unlock the full version, the so called Star Rider status. Well, there was this offer back in February. For 15 days of Star Rider status only an insignifant amount of money so I went for it and then I decided that yes, the game is super cool and that I will pay for the lifetime membership, which in the end is cheaper. So long as you play for more than a year. Which I’m defeinitely planning to do.

So, how does it work?

You create your account, for which you need an email or your facebook account. Which obviously needs email too.

Then, you download the client (previously you could play in your browser) and start it. You log in and let the thing download all the updates. Then you start the game and create your character. You get to pick from a bunch of looks that can be later on changed in-game.

The bad thing is that you can only pick your name from predetermined selection. You can combine it anyway you like, but only so long that there isn’t anyone else using the same combination.

After that you customize your starter horse. But don’t worry if you don’t like him. If you’re a starrider, you’ll eventually have enough star money to buy the dream horse you want. After you customized the nag, you can pick it’s name, it is the same principal as the character name.

Then, it’s off to Moorland stable.

There you will be walked through the basics, like driving your horse, parking it, caring for it and all that.

For those of you who know the games I mentioned at the begining, this might be a bit boring, but when you get through it, the interesting quests will come. Some of them are weird, but most of them are really interesting.

However, there are only limited amount of quests available to non Star Riders. As well as only two locations being available. That’s why it’s better to spend the money on being a Star Rider. You have the whole game unlocked and if you’re high enough level, also all the so far available locations. There are some, that are not accesible yet, but I’m sure they will be soon.

You will meet some of the characters from previous games, including Herman, Fripp aka the white squirrel and the Soul riders. Also, the bad guys will make their appearance.

So be ready to sneak into their hideout and discover their neffarious plans and perhaps stop them before they can finish them.

What I think of the game? Well, apart from the fact that new quests are only added every Wednesday and not more often, I love it. Like, really love it. So far, it’s the best online game I’ve played so far. Simply because I don’t count some of the games as online games. But if you want to get technical, it’s the best MMORPG I’ve ever played.

I’ve managed to acumulate quite a number of horses and I’m still planning to buy more. Though I hope that by the time, they all reached their max level, the max level will be more than the current 15. Because seriously…

I also hope that the new animations that are so far only on the American Quarter Horse will be implemented for all the horses soon. Can’t wait to see my black Arab with this new anims.

It will look great!

And if you didn’t figure it by now, that black Arab is my prized horse. My bestest most favourite horse ever!

Okay. Now a bit of a question for you.

Do you have experience with the game? If yes, do you like it? If no, are you going to try it? And most importantly, do you even like horses? Because if you don’t then I would really like to know why you even bothered to read this.

Oh, and if you know of any similar games, I would be delighted to know about them, so please share. :) Kay?


Legend of Grimrock II

Long time no see! Right?

Well, I’m back and I hope I will be able to post more often. I just didn’t have much idea as to what to write. The only thing that has been updated recently, is my english stories site, that I believe has a link in the side menu.

The site is actually linked to what I want to write about. I want to write about the game called Legend of Grimrock II. I had the first game for about two years now. The actuall game, not a pirated version. And then I read that a second installment will be released. That happened in October 2014. And I got it the same year for Christmas.

Though, to be honest, I bought it earlier and just got the money for Christmas.

So I was playing the game, at that time, there were not enough mods, but I made due. I even started on the original game, though I don’t like to play the original unles it has been transformed into a mod. So I’m hoping that Komag or someone will come through like Komag did with LoG 1’s main map.

However, the character system has been revamped to almost perfection. Why almost? Well… They still have to add the choice of elven race to pick from.

I mean, sure, I can just pick human and make my own portrait for them, but that’s not elves…

On the other hand, it’s now easier to play with only one character. Because regardless if you’re a mage or a warrior, you have the same skillset. My recommendation for single cahracter playing is to pick a war mage or whatever it’s called.

Another thing, that has been ravamped, is the alchemy system. You no longer need flasks but on the other hand, you need to have at least one point in the alchemy skill in order to actually do alchemy. Also, if you have the correct ingredients, it let’s you brew potions that permanently raise your strength, stamina, vitality and so on. In Legend of Grimrock 1, this was only possible through mods, for example the mod called Forbidden Halls, which is perfect and if you play Grimrock, I think you should give it a try.

There were other things that were improved, an entire race was added and new portraits were made, which really doesn’t concern me, as I play almost strictly with custom portraits. Especially now, that I figured out how to put them in Grimrock 2. In order to put custom portraits in Grimrock 2, you have to name them in a speciall way. The name of the portrait needs to be: race_gender_something.tga

If named in any other way, the portraits won’t work. I think.

Okay, I checked my own portraits folder for LoG2 and yes, this is correct. You have to name them in that way or it won’t work.

Fun fact: Most of the custom portraits I’m using, are male. I think there are only two females. Maybe, but that’s a big maybe, there are three, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

Well, changes or no changes, the game is amazing and if you’re into RPG, fantasy or dungeon crawlers, you just have to try it. Be it the first one or the second one. I think that the second one is better actually, but there’s one thing missing. Apart from the elven race, but there’s not much that I can do about that.

However, there’s a mod missing in the Log2. And that would be the Forbidden halls for LoG2, but since the creator of the Forbidden Halls is no longer active and probably decided to go and crawl into some hole or something, let’s just say, that that will probably not be happening.

Oh well… I’ll just have to find a mod that’s even better than that.

